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International Research Stars
ISSN: 2583-276X (Online)
Product Type: Journal
Published by: Research Stars
Publication Month: March, Jun, September and December
Mode: Online
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Publication Policy
A review of all of the papers that have been submitted will be carried out by the Editorial Board. If you want your manuscript to be considered for publication in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, you must adhere to the following guidelines.
We are unaware of any peer-reviewed publication of the study that we are aware of. Therefore, we are unable to provide information on it.
People who have viewed the work should express their opinion on whether it should be published in its present form.
according to the guidelines, the material passed the plagiarism detection test with an originality score of at least 80%.
Other than that, the Grammarly programme gave the content a perfect score of 100, which means that the writing in it was very good.
The essay displays the topic’s relevance and freshness by presenting new information.
In today’s academic world, there are extremely high expectations for the work that is produced. The work performed today has been completed in compliance with those requirements.
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Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism is a serious offence, regardless of whether it is committed intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism is defined as the act of copying ideas, language, facts, and other creative work (e.g., tables, figures, and graphs) and presenting them as original studies without attributing the source. Plagiarism is a criminal offence. Plagiarism is defined as the act of replicating another person’s work with a minimum of 15% similarity and without referencing the source. Plagiarism evidence will be submitted to the author for rebuttal if it is identified prior to or after the article is approved for publication or after the work is published. If the author’s reasons are deemed insufficient, the manuscript will be removed and the author will be restricted from publishing papers for a period determined by the relevant editorial (s).
The copyright of the article will be transferred to the International Research Stars Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.
The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors agree to assign exclusive copyright to the journal should the manuscript be accepted for publication.
Once the paper is accepted for publication, the authors must accomplish and submit the copyright transfer document to research Stars via email: [email protected].
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their papers do not infringe any existing copyright. If previously copyrighted material is included, authors must provide evidence that the copyright holder has given permission for its use.
The Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies represented by its publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation relating to the article.
The authors confirm that they have read it and understand the manuscript before submitting it to the journal.
A). Except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, thesis, or overlay journal, the work described was never formally published previously.
B). It is not currently being evaluated for publication elsewhere.
C). Their co-authors have provided them permission to change these arrangements.
D). They obtain the right to publish any material that has been previously published or copyrighted.
E). That it has been approved for publication by all of the authors as well as the relevant authorities of the institutes where the work was done.
F). They agree to the terms of the licence and copyright agreement listed below.