Research Stars

About the Research stars

All honorable authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers on time through knowing the Information Related to Conference Themes and submission of abstract and Full Length Paper, Venue of Organizing with dates. The seminar learning objectives are linked with the specific themes of seminar, All of Conferences/ Seminars and Workshops are designed to be Research Relevant, educational, motivating, empowering and interactive. The key objective of all our Seminars and Workshops is to provide participants with simple yet powerful strategies and skills that may be implemented into their lives for an enhanced degree of health, safety, self-awareness, well being, and quality of life. The conference/seminars/Workshops organizers Primary objective is sharing of Information to Right Persons. This Primary objective fulfills through sharing Networking building and Information sharing related to Conferences, Workshops, Projects, Research Publications, Academic Awards and Scholarships.

Name of Conference Organizer Dates Place Brochure Link Discount

Dear Research stars Members

We are happy to inform you,

due to the present lockdown situation and corona effect, the management of santhiram Engineering college made a few changes in the conference schedule and Registration Fee:

The conference which is scheduled on !!-04-2020 is postponed and the new date will be announced very soon.

to encourage more participants and researchers, the registration fee per paper is reduced from Rs 750 /- to Rs 250/- (Research Stars Team Request).

Those who are unable to attend personally can give the presentation via Online mode, with prior intimation.

we also extended the last date for the Article Submission up to 14, April 2020.

Conference Registration Form

Research Stars Members ID:

Name of the Conference:

Deportment of Hosting:

Research Paper Title:

Name of the Participant:


College/University Name:

Address of the Main Author:

Contact No:


Payment Details:  Date___________Transaction Method and No:________

For Conference Brochures Visit:

Thanking you

Research stars Team
Cell: 7674-899-899
Email: [email protected]