Research Stars

About the Research stars

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Dr. G.S.JAYESH MBA, M.Phil, BGL, SMW, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Tamilnadu, has an Industrial Experience of 3 years and teaching and research experience of 15 years. He has published various Research Papers in various National and International Journals, Presented Research Papers  in National and International Journals and Participated Workshops and Faculty Development Program.He is Editorial Board members in various International Journals Journals and Associate Member in research stars teem.

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Paper Info

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text]Published Paper[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content” css=”.vc_custom_1606902109738{background-color: #f4d089 !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text]


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Authors (s) Name: Dr.S.Kumaran, Professor, Alliance school of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore.

Dr. B. Latha Lavanya, Associate Professor, MESAI Institute of Management, Chennai

Mr. Manjeet Singh, Asst. Professor, Department of Tourism and Travel Management, Central University of Jammu,Jammu

Paper Summary: 

The research paper on “Human Resource Management Practices” adopted in Tourism hotels of Ooty, focusses on the profile of the employees in hotels, recruitment and selection, job satisfaction, Training and development and employee appraisal. Regarding the profile of the employees, majority are male, the local people are preferred for employment, the relationship among employees are good. The recruitment process, policy of the organization, terms and conditions of the organization are up to the mark. The work culture and organization climate are satisfied by most of the employees. Based on the findings of the research, suggestions like training for employee in improving communication, professional management and interpersonal relationship can be get organized. Mutual performance appraisal can be conducted among the team to improve the overall performance of the employee. Overall the human resource management practices adopted in tourism hotels in Ooty is seems to be valuable and benefits to both organization and employees.

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Authors (s) Name: Dr. Rupa Shah, Asst. Professor, Ghanshamdas Saraf College of Commerce.

Paper Summary: 

Service sector plays important role in Indian economy which accounted alone to giving 50% of the country’s employment. The tourism sector is more or less affected by the current economic conditions and the COVID 19 Crisis. The crisis had a significant, regionally distinctive impact on global employment in hotels. Within the Service sector Hotel industry has more importance about generating employment, yielding foreign exchange. It also helps in the development of other sectors related to it and also the entire country. In areas where tourism is highly important and vital source of income. Recession has affected tourism industry marginally; Cause of this tourist arrivals, Currency earnings, and employment in this industry got declined.

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Author(s) Name: Dr. R. LAVANYA KUMARI, Associate Professor, Department of Master of Business Administration, LOYOLA ACADEMY DEGREE & PG COLLEGE, Old Alwal, Manjeera Colony, Spring Fields Colony. Secunderabad – 500010, TELANGANA, INDIA

Ms. BRIDGET AMANDA BARTON, Student, Department of Master of Business Administration, LOYOLA ACADEMY DEGREE & PG COLLEGE, Old Alwal, Manjeera Colony, Spring Fields Colony. Secunderabad – 500010, TELANGANA, INDIA

Paper Summary:

The research paper is on “Role of Performance Management and its Impact on Selected Fast-Growing Enterprise’s, highlights on the understanding employee’s mind set and level of engagementFor achieving its success and for its survival effectiveness of management  performance at an organization as a vital to get the most out of its employees by identifying how the performance can be put to the best use to manage and support the company’s objectives. A process of creating a work environment where the employees are enabled to perform their best. To develop the Performance Management system as a cycle varying on yearly bases in changing objectives the development stages of a company depend on an individual’s flexibility, goals and adaptability throughout the period of ever-changing market conditions and business strategies. Based on analysis the top selected enterprises namely Adobe, Deloitte, GE and Microsoft are redefiningtheperformance management systems. Finally, the performance management hold the corporate core values in terms of responsibilities, skills, behavior, establish a good culture that take responsibility for the enhancement of their own skills and developing the capacity of individuals to meet the expectations of the organization with support and guidance for the people, motivating, rewarding employees, aligning the goals, actively managing and resourcing performance achievement.

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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Title of the Paper : A STUDY ON TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS USING KAIZENS PRINCIPLES IN MANGALURU

Author(s): Dr Neethu Suraj(Assistant Professor), St Agnes college(Autonomous), Mangaluru.

Ms Aafrida Bhakt(Student), St Agnes college(Autonomous), Mangaluru.


Paper Summary:

The research article on “TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS USING KAIZENS PRINCIPLES IN MANGALURU”. The current study focuses on the quality and standards maintained by selected educational institution in mangaluru.The selected institution has completed its centenary in education field. The quality and standards maintained by these institutions are highly commendable. The current study focuses on kaizen’s principal which explains, Total quality management describing as a kaizen process that engages everybody in the workplace. The model adopts precise TQM principles to increase the academic quality that allows one to track clear aims and objectives, to make continuous upgrading in teaching, learning and assessment methods, and to be prepared to be judged by others. TQM is a strategy that is very useful in the higher educational institutes because it involved all the stakeholders and brings out the best in them and enhances the quality of education. The study clearly analyses the quality maintained time to time by continuous assessment and evaluation in various ways by the selected educational institutions at Mangaluru. This has helped the institutions reach to its greater heights, maintain their standards and also get recognition in Mangaluru.

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Title of the Paper: Scope of fresher as HR professional in New Normal

Author(s) Name: Jayasree Das; SACT at Harimohan Ghose College; Guest Lecturer at T.H.K Jain College. 

Paper Summary:

The research paper on “Scope of fresher as HR professional in New Normal” adds to a comprehension of how New Normal effects scope of fresher as HR expert and features the centrality of association uphold with regards to utilization of AI in HRM. Based on the findings of the research, it is concluded that there remains scope for the fresher as HR professional and blend of AI will help redefine HR system in a better way.

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