Research Stars

About the Research stars

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International Research Stars

ISSN: 2583-276X (Online)

Product Type: Journal

Published by: Research  Stars

Publication Month: March, Jun, September and December

Mode: Online

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Review policy

Before articles are published in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, they are subjected to a double-blind peer-review procedure to verify that they are in good condition and free of plagiarism. The peer-review process includes the examination of a paper by professional scholars on a specific subject, who will make recommendations on whether the paper should be published, whether it should be revised, or if it should be rejected. In a double-blind review, the author’s name is kept secret from the reviewers, and vice versa, in order to maintain the author’s confidentiality. It is the duty of the Editorial Board to appoint peer reviewers for a specific paper that has been presented to the journal for acceptance for publication.

 Preliminary Review by the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board conducts a preliminary evaluation of the manuscript. The Editorial Board will evaluate all papers that are submitted in accordance with the editorial process mentioned in the preceding section. The preliminary evaluation makes use of the criteria for publishing listed above as a starting point for the presentation of the articles.

Peer-Review Process

All manuscripts that passed the preliminary review by the Editorial Board will undergo the double-blind peer-review process as follows:

Submission of manuscript together with the Peer-Review Form, Editorial Policy and result of Grammarly and plagiarism tests to two peer reviewers by the Editor-in-Chief

Submission of the peer-review report (accomplished Peer-Review Form) by the peer reviewers to the Editor-in-chief

The manuscript has passed the plagiarism detection test with a score of at least 80% for originality.

The manuscript has passed the Grammarly checker software with a score of 100.

The article exhibits the relevance and novelty of the topic.

The paper is based on rigorous academic standards.

The paper meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.

Re-submission of the revised manuscript by the author to the Editor-in-Chief if minor or major revisions are required by the peer reviewers together with a cover letter outlining point-by-point the revisions made

Re-submission of the revised manuscript together with the new Peer-Review Form to the peer reviewers by the Editor-in-Chief for validation of compliance

Return of the revised manuscript by the peer reviewers to the Editor- in-Chief together with the recommendations indicated on the Peer-Review Form

 Deliberation by the Editorial Board whether to accept or reject the manuscripts

Notification to the authors by the Editor-in-Chief of the result of the peer-review

All manuscripts undergo one or more rounds of review depending on the recommendations of the peer reviewers. After each round, the author(s) must modify their submissions in line with the reviewers’ comments and this process is repeated until the peer reviewers and the Editor are satisfied and the manuscript is accepted for publication.
