Research Stars

International Research Stars

ISSN: 2583-276X (Online)

Product Type: Journal

Published by: Research  Stars

Publication Month: March, Jun, September and December

Mode: Online


International Research Stars is a Quarterly interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal’s goal is to encourage both individual and collaborative research on current research methods, which publishes unpublished, original material from Multideciplinary topics. The journal is intended to publish original ideas of empirical, conceptual, case study and review research papers that will contribute to the knowledge of the readers and add value to the literature of Science, Engineering and Technology, Medical Science, Biomedical, life science, Social Sciences & Humanities, and all the disciplines. Finance, accounting, marketing, operations management, human resource management, statistics, international business, information technology, environment, risk management, globalisation, and related disciplines will all be covered in the magazine. Articles that demonstrate diversity, management’s cross-functional nature, and developing issues are also evaluated for publishing.

Aims of the Journal

International Research Stars is a journal of interdisciplinary study with a focus on critical and creative research; International Research Stars is published four times a year in both print and online versions. While encouraging original research and encouraging beneficial dialogues between previous and novel ideas, this publication is meant to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas and the transfer of knowledge between scientists, engineers, and other professionals who work in a variety of sectors.

Scope of the Journal

The publication of new academic research on the Multidisciplinary topic is encouraged by the editors of the journal. The organization’s mission is to disseminate information in order to make a difference in people’s lives. Articles that demonstrate variety, management’s cross-functional nature and the evolution of challenges are also examined for inclusion in the journal. Its scope is restricted to investigations or reviews of all subjects, and it does not accept contributions from other publications. In today’s competitive world, someone could be successful by taking advantage of the opportunities and overcoming the challenges that are caused by changes in the environment, which can be hard.

Call for Papers

The following sorts of publications have been requested by international research stars:

  • An article that discusses a specific subject in depth is known as a review article.
  • It’s called a “randomized controlled trial,” and it’s one of the types of original articles that show the results of clinical and preclinical and experimental research. There are also “case-control studies,” “outcome studies,” “study of screening and diagnostic tests,” and “cost-effectiveness analyses.”
  • A brief report on work including major original discoveries or crucial preliminary findings is referred to as a “short report.”
  • Case Series: Reports of two to six similar events that are presented in a concise and easy-to-read way.
  • A report on a single case (also known as a case report)

The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal also publishes announcements of international conferences taking place all around the world, which may be found on the website of the journal. The following topics are of interest to this journal for publication:

The following topics are covered: education, management, technological changes, the impact of globalization, governance and democracy, political conflicts, economic changes, health care, law and justice, history, religion, Gender Studies, Management, Commerce, and technology relevant.

Author Guidelines:

  • Font size: 12 (main text), 14 (heading), 10 (footnotes)
  • Font style: Times New Roman
  • Referencing: APA style of citation
  • Line spacing: 1.5 (main text)
  • Alignment: Justified
  • An abstract of 150-300 words must be submitted along with the main article.
  • Along with the abstract, keywords must also be mentioned.
  • The acceptable format for submission of document is .doc or .docx
  • The guidelines of UGC will be followed with respect to Plagiarism.
  • Number in all pages


Review of Literature
Materials and Method
Result and Discussion

Cover Letter:

The cover letter must include the following:

  • A concise and informative title.
  • The names and affiliations of all authors.
  • The name, mailing address, mobile number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author (or corresponding author, if more than one author)
  • Any acknowledgements to those who assisted the authors, placed in a footnote to the title.
  • The cover page must be in .doc or .docx file.

Authors are responsible for the preparation of manuscripts to permit review. Manuscripts submitted electronically should include all author names and affiliations, as well as the corresponding author’s and co-authors’ information.

More Information

Submission of the manuscript

Submission of the paper to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Multidisciplinary Research must always be done in accordance with the formatting standards indicated in the Guide for Authors. The author (s) is responsible for ensuring that the manuscript is properly formatted on a regular basis. To be accepted, all entries must be the author’s original and unpublished work, and they must not have been previously published anywhere (s). Additional approvals have been obtained from all co-authors (if any), as well as from the necessary authorities, research sponsors, and/or the institution at which research activities were carried out, among other parties. If there are any claims for compensation, the publisher will not be held personally accountable for their actions in the event that they are granted. Writers agree to offer total ownership of their article to the journal if it is accepted for publication. When authors submit their articles to the journal, they are consenting to grant complete ownership of their articles to the journal if they are accepted for publication. It is required that the manuscript be made available in electronic format.  Authors can send Manuscript through email: [email protected]

Review policy

Before articles are published in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, they are subjected to a double-blind peer-review procedure to verify that they are in good condition and free of plagiarism. The peer-review process includes the examination of a paper by professional scholars on a specific subject, who will make recommendations on whether the paper should be published, whether it should be revised, or if it should be rejected. In a double-blind review, the author’s name is kept secret from the reviewers, and vice versa, in order to maintain the author’s confidentiality. It is the duty of the Editorial Board to appoint peer reviewers for a specific paper that has been presented to the journal for acceptance for publication.

 Preliminary Review by the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board conducts a preliminary evaluation of the manuscript. The Editorial Board will evaluate all papers that are submitted in accordance with the editorial process mentioned in the preceding section. The preliminary evaluation makes use of the criteria for publishing listed above as a starting point for the presentation of the articles.

Peer-Review Process

All manuscripts that passed the preliminary review by the Editorial Board will undergo the peer-review process as follows:

Submission of the manuscript together with the Peer-Review Form, Editorial Policy and result of Grammarly and plagiarism tests to two peer reviewers by the Editor-in-Chief

Submission of the peer-review report (accomplished Peer-Review Form) by the peer reviewers to the Editor-in-chief

The manuscript has passed the plagiarism detection test with a score of at least 80% for originality.

The manuscript has passed the Grammarly checker software with a score of 100.

The article exhibits the relevance and novelty of the topic.

The paper is based on rigorous academic standards.

The paper meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.

Re-submission of the revised manuscript by the author to the Editor-in-Chief if minor or major revisions are required by the peer reviewers together with a cover letter outlining point-by-point the revisions made

Re-submission of the revised manuscript together with the new Peer-Review Form to the peer reviewers by the Editor-in-Chief for validation of compliance

Return of the revised manuscript by the peer reviewers to the Editor- in-Chief together with the recommendations indicated on the Peer-Review Form

 Deliberation by the Editorial Board whether to accept or reject the manuscripts

Notification to the authors by the Editor-in-Chief of the result of the double-blind peer-review

All manuscripts undergo one or more rounds of review depending on the recommendations of the peer reviewers. After each round, the author(s) must modify their submissions in line with the reviewers’ comments and this process is repeated until the peer reviewers and the Editor are satisfied and the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is a serious offence, regardless of whether it is committed intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism is defined as the act of copying ideas, language, facts, and other creative work (e.g., tables, figures, and graphs) and presenting them as original studies without attributing the source. Plagiarism is a criminal offence. Plagiarism is defined as the act of replicating another person’s work with a minimum of 15% similarity and without referencing the source. Plagiarism evidence will be submitted to the author for rebuttal if it is identified prior to or after the article is approved for publication or after the work is published. If the author’s reasons are deemed insufficient, the manuscript will be removed and the author will be restricted from publishing papers for a period determined by the relevant editorial (s).


The copyright of the article will be transferred to the International Research Stars Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.

The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors agree to assign exclusive copyright to the journal should the manuscript be accepted for publication.

Once the paper is accepted for publication, the authors must accomplish and submit the copyright transfer document to research Stars via email: [email protected].

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their papers do not infringe any existing copyright. If previously copyrighted material is included, authors must provide evidence that the copyright holder has given permission for its use.

The Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies represented by its publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation relating to the article.

The authors confirm that they have read it and understand the manuscript before submitting it to the journal.

A). Except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, thesis, or overlay journal, the work described was never formally published previously.

B). It is not currently being evaluated for publication elsewhere.

C). Their co-authors have provided them permission to change these arrangements.

D). They obtain the right to publish any material that has been previously published or copyrighted.

E). That it has been approved for publication by all of the authors as well as the relevant authorities of the institutes where the work was done.

F). They agree to the terms of the licence and copyright agreement listed below.

Publication Policy

A review of all of the papers that have been submitted will be carried out by the Editorial Board. If you want your manuscript to be considered for publication in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, you must adhere to the following guidelines.

We are unaware of any peer-reviewed publication of the study that we are aware of. Therefore, we are unable to provide information on it.

People who have viewed the work should express their opinion on whether it should be published in its present form.

according to the guidelines, the material passed the plagiarism detection test with an originality score of at least 80%.

Other than that, the Grammarly programme gave the content a perfect score of 100, which means that the writing in it was very good.

The essay displays the topic’s relevance and freshness by presenting new information.

In today’s academic world, there are extremely high expectations for the work that is produced. The work performed today has been completed in compliance with those requirements.

Basic Journal Details

Title: International Research Stars

ISSN: 2583-276X (Online)


Publisher: Research Stars, Email: [email protected],

Copyright: Research stars

Starting Year: 2022

Publication Mode: Online only

Frequency: Quarterly, 4 Issues for Year (Jan -March, April – Jun, July – September and October – December)

Language: English

Subject Category: Multidisciplinary Areas

Cell No: 91+7674-899-899

Webmail: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]


Chief Editor:

Dr. A. K. Neeraja Rani

HOD, Department of Management,


NANDYAL, Kurnool, Andhrapradesh, India

Cell: +91 98856 04261

Email: [email protected]



Associate Professor,

School of Management Studies,

Perundurai, Erode-638 060, Tamilnadu, India,

Cell: +91 9843641321

Email: [email protected],


Research Stars,

Kothapeta, CTM,


Chittoor Dist, Andhrapradesh,

India, Pin: 517319

Cell: 7674 – 899 – 899

Email: [email protected],